经马尼拉威斯里安学院|威斯里安中国的董事会及其旗下品牌倍巧知中国的管理层一致同意,现任命 Grace C. Formilleza 女士为倍巧知驻菲律宾办事处总经理,负责倍巧知青少儿服装在菲律宾当地的市场营销和销售工作,祝愿 Grace C. Formilleza 在未来的工作中取得耀眼的成就!
The Board of Directors of Wesleyan China and its subsidiary brand BestChoice China, along with the management team, have unanimously agreed to appoint Ms. Grace C. Formilleza as the General Manager of the BestChoice for Philippines office. She will be in charge of the sales and marketing promotion in children’s clothing for BestChoice brand. We wish Ms. Grace C. Formilleza a prosperous success in her future work!